Description: Public marine waterfront access points, as well as private working waterfront/commercial fishing dependent access for participating Maine towns.
Nate Kane
Description: The roads assigned to each MaineDOT Crew or covered by contract with the town or other contractor. Crew numbers are expressed by their full Organizational Unit Code (OUC)
Region Data Managers:
Region 1:,
Region 2:,
Region 3:,
Region 4:,
Region 5:
See above
Description: The roads assigned to each MaineDOT Crew or covered by contract with the town or other contractor. Crew numbers are expressed by their full Organizational Unit Code (OUC)
Region Data Managers:
Region 1:,
Region 2:,
Region 3:,
Region 4:,
Region 5:
See above
Description: The roads assigned to each MaineDOT Crew or covered by contract with the town or other contractor. Crew numbers are expressed by their full Organizational Unit Code (OUC)
Region Data Managers:
Region 1:,
Region 2:,
Region 3:,
Region 4:,
Region 5:
See above
Description: Updated regularly, this layer lists the current status and schedule of capital projects included in the annual Construction Advertisement Plan (CAP), as well as any projects that have been added to the Construction Advertise Schedule (CAS) in the current calendar year.
Description: Updated regularly, this layer lists the current status and schedule of capital projects included in the annual Construction Advertisement Plan (CAP), as well as any projects that have been added to the Construction Advertise Schedule (CAS) in the current calendar year.
Description: MaineDOT's bid advertisement plan for capital projects to be advertised during the current calendar year. This CAP layer is intended to show the published advertise plan (published in January of the current calendar year) and NOT the actual, dynamic Construction Advertise Schedule (CAS).
Description: MaineDOT's bid advertisement plan for capital projects to be advertised during the current calendar year. This CAP layer is intended to show the published advertise plan (published in January of the current calendar year) and NOT the actual, dynamic Construction Advertise Schedule (CAS).
Description: Small culverts that run under a state roadway. Refreshed and located nightly from any MATS culvert that has coordinates (latitude/longitude) within 100 feet of the specified route's centerline. A Cross Culvert is defined as a pipe or structure that has a span of less than 5 feet or multiple pipes or other structures with a combined opening of less than 20 square feet in area.
Nate Kane
Description: Large culverts that run under a state roadway. Refreshed and located nightly from any MATS culvert that has coordinates (latitude/longitude) within 100 feet of the specified route's centerline. Large culverts are defined as a pipe or structure with a total span width greater than 5 feet and less than 10 feet OR any multiple pipes, where the clear distance between openings is less than half of the smaller contiguous opening, and the total flow area is between 20 and 80 square feet.
Nate Kane
Description: Locations of designated parking lots where travelers may temporarily leave their vehicles and commuters can meet with car and vanpools.
Penny Vaillancourt
Description: MILEPOST contains point data reflecting appoximate location of milepost markers along interstate routes 295 and 95 (Maine Turnpike) both north and southbound.