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"cmpserv" }, { "name": "cmpserv94-CMP 1994 Service Areas", "code": "cmpserv94" }, { "name": "cmptowns98-CMP 1998 Towns Served", "code": "cmptowns98" }, { "name": "cmptrans96-CMP 1996 Major Transmission System and Line Data", "code": "cmptrans96" }, { "name": "cmri84-MEDMR 1981-84 Coastal Marine Resources Inventory", "code": "cmri84" }, { "name": "contam94-MEDMR 1984 Contamination", "code": "contam94" }, { "name": "cowardin-USFW Cowardin et.al. 1979 Classification of Wetland and Deepwater Habitats of the U.S.", "code": "cowardin" }, { "name": "depthfinder-mounted electronic depth finding equipment", "code": "depthfinder" }, { "name": "depthmap-historical depth map for Maine lakes", "code": "depthmap" }, { "name": "depthmeasure-a manual measurement of depth using some type of line and weight", "code": "depthmeasure" }, { "name": "depthwand-handheld electronic depth finding equipment", "code": "depthwand" }, { "name": "district93-MESOS 1993 Legal Descriptions of Maine Voting Districts", "code": "district93" }, { "name": "dlgguide-USGS DLG Data Users Guide", "code": "dlgguide" }, { "name": "dmi-MEDOT dmi", "code": "dmi" }, { "name": "doqq-USGS Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangle", "code": "doqq" }, { "name": "drg-USGS Digital Raster Graphic", "code": "drg" }, { "name": "drgclip-MEGIS (clipped) Digital Raster Graphic", "code": "drgclip" }, { "name": "dwpgps-MEDHS/DWP gps", "code": "dwpgps" }, { "name": "eccm-USFW Fefer et.al. 1980 An Ecological Characterization of Coastal Maine", "code": "eccm" }, { "name": "eddir-MEDOE Maine Educational Directory", "code": "eddir" }, { "name": "ehydro-USFW Eipper et.al. 1982 Anadromous Fish Streams of New England", "code": "ehydro" }, { "name": "engplan-engineering plan drafted by registered Professional Engineer", "code": "engplan" }, { "name": "escbe911gps-MEDPS/ESCB/E911 global positioning system data", "code": "escbe911gps" }, { "name": "esriblks00-ESRI 2000 Census Blocks", "code": "esriblks00" }, { "name": "esriccd00-ESRI 2000 Census County Divisions", "code": "esriccd00" }, { "name": "esriccd00-ESRI 2000 Census Voting Districts", "code": "esrivtd00" }, { "name": "fccantenna-FCC Antenna Structure Registration", "code": "fccantenna" }, { "name": "fips5_2-FIPS CODES FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE STATES OF THE UNITED STATES", "code": "fips5_2" }, { "name": "fips55_3-USDOC County Divisions and Other Locational Entities", "code": "fips55_3" }, { "name": "fips6_4-FIPS COUNTIES AND EQUIVALENT ENTITIES OF THE UNITED STATES", "code": "fips6_4" }, { "name": "firmhrdcpy-FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps", "code": "firmhrdcpy" }, { "name": "firmlomc-FEMA Letters of Map Change", "code": "firmlomc" }, { "name": "firmlomr-FEMA Letters of Map Revision", "code": "firmlomr" }, { "name": "firmq3-FEMA Digital Q3 Flood Data", "code": "firmQ3" }, { "name": "fm-MEGIS 2001 Feature Metadata Recommendation", "code": "fm" }, { "name": "focbvolmon-FOCB volmon data", "code": "focbvolmon" }, { "name": "forrvolmon-FORR volmon data", "code": "forrvolmon" }, { "name": "gds-MEDOT gds", "code": "gds" }, { "name": "geocode-MESPO 1971 Standard Geographic Code for Minor Civil Divisions", "code": "geocode" }, { "name": "geocoded-address geocoding using an unspecified address source", "code": "geocoded" }, { "name": "geocodedaddr-address geocoding location, validated E911 address match", "code": "geocodedaddr" }, { "name": "geocodedrdnm-address geocoding location, approximation using E911 road name and town", "code": "geocodedrdnm" }, { "name": "geocodedrng-address geocoding location, approximation using E911 address range, road name, and town", "code": "geocodedrng" }, { "name": "geocodedtwn-address geocoding location, approximation using E911 town", "code": "geocodedtwn" }, { "name": "geodas-National Ocean Service-Hydrographic Survey Data", "code": "geodas" }, { "name": "gnis91-USGS 1991 GNIS-CD", "code": "gnis91" }, { "name": "gps-global positioning system", "code": "gps" }, { "name": "gpscarrier-equipment and conditions of operation yield accuracy 1 meter or better, ex. Trimble ProXR with carrier phase", "code": "gpscarrier" }, { "name": "gpscoarse-equipment and operation yields accuracy no better than 15 meters ex. older Magellans and Garmins", "code": "gpscoarse" }, { "name": "gpsmap-4+satellites,PDOP>6,SNR>6,elevation mask>15*,multipath rejection, yields 1-6 meter accuracy, ex.TrimbleProXR,GeoExplorer,GeoXT no carrier phase", "code": "gpsmap" }, { "name": "gpsrec-equipment and operation yields accuracy 6-15 meters, ex. modern handhelds", "code": "gpsrec" }, { "name": "gpssrvy-equipment and conditions of operation capable of positional accuracy plus or minus 1 centimeter, ex. Leica 1200 with site base station", "code": "gpssrvy" }, { "name": "h/fd-Directory of Maine Health Facilities by County", "code": "H/FD" }, { "name": "house90-MEDOT 1990 Maine House Districts", "code": "house90" }, { "name": "islands3-MEIFW island update 6/26/2003", "code": "islands3" }, { "name": "jwsccap-James W Sewall Conventional Color Metric Aerial Photography", "code": "jwsccap" }, { "name": "kelly89-MESPO Kelly 1989 Maine Land in State and Federal and Non-profit Conservation Ownership", "code": "kelly89" }, { "name": "kelly93-MESPO Kelly 1993 Maine Land in Federal, State, Municipal, and ... Ownership", "code": "kelly93" }, { "name": "kodak2445-MEDMR 1992 Maine Eelgrass Photography", "code": "kodak2445" }, { "name": "kodak2448-MEDMR 1993 Maine Eelgrass Photography", "code": "kodak2448" }, { "name": "krohn97-MECFWRU Krohn 1997 A Conservation and Public Lands Database for Maine", "code": "krohn97" }, { "name": "landsattm-USGS Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery", "code": "landsattm" }, { "name": "leases-MEDMR Aquaculture Leases", "code": "leases" }, { "name": "leases94-MEDMR 1994 Aquaculture Lease", "code": "leases94" }, { "name": "legaldescr-drafted or digitized using a narrative legal description", "code": "legaldescr" }, { "name": "libdir-MSL Maine Library Directory", "code": "libdir" }, { "name": "marine90-MEDMR 1990 Marine Patrol Overflight", "code": "marine90" }, { "name": "mdiwqvolmon-MDIWQC volmon data", "code": "mdiwqvolmon" }, { "name": "medem-MEGIS 30 meter Digital Elevation Models (tiled)", "code": "medem" }, { "name": "medem10-ME GeoLibrary 10 meter digital elevation models", "code": "medem10" }, { "name": "medhsorhpc-MEDHSORHPC area designations", "code": "medhsorhpc" }, { "name": "medoq-MEGIS appended Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (USGS appended)", "code": "medoq" }, { "name": "medotgps-MEDOT gps", "code": "medotgps" }, { "name": "medotplans-MEDOT engineering plans", "code": "medotplans" }, { "name": "medotpub-MEGIS periodically refreshed publication of MEDOT public roads in GIS format", "code": "medotpub" }, { "name": "medotrds-MEDOT roads data", "code": "medotrds" }, { "name": "medwpgps-MEDHSDWP gps", "code": "medwpgps" }, { "name": "mespoesa-MESPO Economic Summary Areas and Districts", "code": "mespoesa" }, { "name": "midas-MEIFW Maine Information Display and Analysis System", "code": "midas" }, { "name": "mnpipeline-MNP Main Line", "code": "mnpipeline" }, { "name": "mpsgps-MPS PRO-SYS-3A", "code": "mpsgps" }, { "name": "msamcd-MSA Maine Minor Civil Division Legal History Database", "code": "msamcd" }, { "name": "napp-USGS 1987-present National Aerial Photography Program", "code": "napp" }, { "name": "nfls-USDA/FS Northern Forest Lands Study", "code": "nfls" }, { "name": "nhap-USGS 1980-87 National High Altitude Photography Program", "code": "nhap" }, { "name": "noaabathy30-NOAA Estuarine Bathymetric Digital Elevation Models", "code": "noaabathy30" }, { "name": "noaaccaplndc-CCAP Landcover for Eastern Massachusetts, Penobscot Bay, Cobscook Bay, Great Bay", "code": "noaaccaplndc" }, { "name": "nrcsanno-NRCS annotation overlay", "code": "nrcsanno" }, { "name": "nrcsdelin-NRCS soil delineation overlay", "code": "nrcsdelin" }, { "name": "nrcsfransome-Soil Survey of Franklin County Area and Part of Somerset County", "code": "nrcsfransome" }, { "name": "nrcshanc-Soil Survey of Hancock County Area, Maine", "code": "nrcshanc" }, { "name": "nrcsoxfo-Soil Survey of Oxford County Area, Maine", "code": "nrcsoxfo" }, { "name": "nrcspiscs-Soil Survey of Piscataquis County, Maine, Southern Part", "code": "nrcspiscs" }, { "name": "nwihrdcpy-USFW National Wetlands Inventory Hardcopy", "code": "nwihrdcpy" }, { "name": "offnames-MRSA 1 Ch 27 section 1101 An Act Concerning Offensive Names", "code": "offnames" }, { "name": "ortho-a rectified aerial photograph", "code": "ortho" }, { "name": "ortho_1f-ME GeoLibrary 1' GSD, 24-bit color, high resolution, georeferenced, orthoimagery", "code": "ortho_1f" }, { "name": "ortho_2f-ME GeoLibrary 2' GSD, 24-bit color, high resolution, georeferenced, orthoimagery", "code": "ortho_2f" }, { "name": "ortho_ff-Fort Fairfield 1/2' and 1' GSD, 24-bit color, high resolution, georeferenced, orthoimagery", "code": "ortho_ff" }, { "name": "ortho_hf-GlobeXplorer CITIPIX 6 inch pixel resolution (ground sample distance), precision georeferenced, orthorectified imagery", "code": "ortho_hf" }, { "name": "ortho_mcp-Space Imaging high resolution black and white imagery of the Maine coast from the Maine Coastal Program", "code": "ortho_mcp" }, { "name": "osbhussboone-Osberg et. al. 1985 Bedrock Geologic Map of Maine", "code": "osbhussboone" }, { "name": "photorev-USGS photorevised data", "code": "photorev" }, { "name": "provis-USGS provisional map", "code": "provis" }, { "name": "quad-USGS standard map tile", "code": "quad" }, { "name": "regsurvey-Licensed Surveyor, an official record in a Registry of Deeds", "code": "regsurvey" }, { "name": "rgnlsurf-MGS Regional Surficial Geology Maps", "code": "rgnlsurf" }, { "name": "roughsrvy-rough measurement from a known point", "code": "roughsrvy" }, { "name": "saga-MGS Sand and Gravel Aquifer Maps", "code": "saga" }, { "name": "sam-MGS Significant Aquifer Maps", "code": "sam" }, { "name": "scs-SCS State and County Soil Maps", "code": "scs" }, { "name": "scsaroos-Soil Survey of Aroostook County, Maine, Southern Part", "code": "scsaroos" }, { "name": "scskenn-Soil Survey of Kennebec County, Maine", "code": "scskenn" }, { "name": "scsknoxlinc-Soil Survey of Knox and Lincoln Counties, Maine", "code": "scsknoxlinc" }, { "name": "scswald-Soil Survey of Waldo County, Maine", "code": "scswald" }, { "name": "senate90-MEDOT 1990 Maine Senate Districts", "code": "senate90" }, { "name": "sketch-an undetailed preliminary drawing on paper", "code": "sketch" }, { "name": "slmnrvrs-MEDEP Salmon Rivers", "code": "slmnrvrs" }, { "name": "spot10-SPOTCORP 10 meter panchromatic sharpened imagery", "code": "spot10" }, { "name": "surfhdcpy-MGS Surficial Geologic Map of Maine", "code": "surfhdcpy" }, { "name": "svcavolmon-SVCA volmon data", "code": "svcavolmon" }, { "name": "swm-SWIMS georeferenced data shared directly from project or agency business tables.", "code": "swm" }, { "name": "taxmap-ownership parcels subject to taxation within an administrative division", "code": "taxmap" }, { "name": "tigers00-USCB 2000 TIGER Line Files", "code": "tigers00" }, { "name": "tigers90-USCB 1990 TIGER Line Files", "code": "tigers90" }, { "name": "timson-MGS Timson, 1974-76 Coastal Marine Geologic Environments", "code": "timson" }, { "name": "tinis-MEDOT Transportation Integrated Network Information System", "code": "tinis" }, { "name": "usbgn-US Board of Geographic Names tabular data", "code": "usbgn" }, { "name": "uscb90cdp-US Census Bureau 1990 Census Designated Places", "code": "uscb90cdp" }, { "name": "uscbpl94-171-USCB Redistricting Data Summary File", "code": "uscbpl94_171" }, { "name": "usfwashs-USFW Maine Atlantic Salmon Habitat Survey GPS", "code": "usfwashs" }, { "name": "usgsgap-USGS A Gap Analysis of Maine", "code": "usgsgap" }, { "name": "wetlands-MGS Fresh Water Wetlands", "code": "wetlands" }, { "name": "whpatable1-MEDHSDWP Radius of Wellhead Protection Areas for Community and Non-transient, Non-community Public Water Systems", "code": "whpatable1" }, { "name": "whydro-USFW Eipper et.al. 1982 Anadromous Fish Streams of New England", "code": "whydro" }, { "name": "wqc-MRS 38 Ch3 section 465 Standards for Classification of Fresh Surface Waters", "code": "wqc" }, { "name": "USGS National Hydrography Dataset 1:24,000", "code": "nhd24" } ], "mergePolicy": "esriMPTDefaultValue", "splitPolicy": "esriSPTDefaultValue" } }, { "name": "FMSRCDAT", "type": "esriFieldTypeDate", "alias": "FMSRCDAT", "length": 8, "domain": null }, { "name": "FMSRCORG", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "FMSRCORG", "length": 12, "domain": { "type": "codedValue", "name": "WS2_FMSRCORG_1", "description": "Source Originator", "codedValues": [ { "name": "Aerial Survey and Photo, Inc.", "code": "asp" }, { "name": "Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments", "code": "avcog" }, { "name": "Aroostook Band of Micmacs", "code": "abmi" }, { "name": "Bangor Hydroelectric", "code": "bhe" }, { "name": "Baxter State Park Authority", "code": "bspa" }, { "name": "Belgrade Regional Conservation Alliance", "code": "brca" }, { "name": "Biddeford Pool Improvement Association", "code": "bpia" }, { "name": "Boothbay Region Land Trust", "code": "brlt" }, { "name": "Bureau of Census (USDOC)", "code": "uscb" }, { "name": "Cape Elizabeth Land Trust", "code": "celt" }, { "name": "Castine Conservation Trust", "code": "cact" }, { "name": "Central Maine Power Company", "code": "cmp" }, { "name": "Central Maine Technical College", "code": "cmtc" }, { "name": "Chewonki Foundation", "code": "chewonki" }, { "name": "Cingular", "code": "cingular" }, { "name": "Clerk, House of Representatives", "code": "mehouse" }, { "name": "Coastal Change Analysis Program", "code": "ccap" }, { "name": "Cobscook Bay Resource Center", "code": "cbrc" }, { "name": "College of the Atlantic", "code": "coa" }, { "name": "Cumberland Mainland and Islands Trust", "code": "cmlt" }, { "name": "Cushings Island Conservation Corporation", "code": "cicc" }, { "name": "Damariscotta River Association", "code": "dra" }, { "name": "Eagle Hill Wildlife Research Station", "code": "ehwr" }, { "name": "Eastern Maine Development Corporation", "code": "emdc" }, { "name": "Eastern Maine Technical College", "code": "emtc" }, { "name": "Emergency Services Communication Bureau (MEDPS)", "code": "escb" }, { "name": "EROS Data Center (USGS)", "code": "edc" }, { "name": "Farm Service Agency (USDA)", "code": "fsa" }, { "name": "Federal Aviation Administration (USDOT)", "code": "faa" }, { "name": "Federal Communications Commission", "code": "fcc" }, { "name": "Federal Emergency Management Agency", "code": "fema" }, { "name": "Florida Power and Light", "code": "fpl" }, { "name": "Forest Society of Maine", "code": "fsm" }, { "name": "Freeport Conservation Trust", "code": "fct" }, { "name": "Frenchman Bay Conservancy", "code": "fbc" }, { "name": "Friends of Casco Bay", "code": "focb" }, { "name": "Friends of Royal River", "code": "forr" }, { "name": "Geo-Systems", "code": "geosystems" }, { "name": "gisSolutions", "code": "gissolutions" }, { "name": "GlobeXplorer", "code": "globex" }, { "name": "Greater Portland Council of Governments", "code": "gpcog" }, { "name": "Hall-Dale High School", "code": "hlldlhs" }, { "name": "Hancock County Planning Commission", "code": "hcpc" }, { "name": "Harpswell Heritage Trust", "code": "hht" }, { "name": "Holt Research Foundation", "code": "htrf" }, { "name": "Houlton Band of Maliseets", "code": "hbma" }, { "name": "J.W. Sewall Co.", "code": "jws" }, { "name": "John E O'Donnell & Associates", "code": "odonnell" }, { "name": "Kennebec Land Trust", "code": "tklt" }, { "name": "Kennebec Valley Council of Governments", "code": "kvcog" }, { "name": "Kennebec Valley Technical College", "code": "kvtc" }, { "name": "Kennebunk Land Trust", "code": "klt" }, { "name": "Kennebunk Valley Garden Club", "code": "kvgc" }, { "name": "Kennebunkport Conservation Trust", "code": "kct" }, { "name": "Lakes Environmental Association", "code": "lena" }, { "name": "Laudholm Trust", "code": "laudholm" }, { "name": "Loon Echo Land Trust", "code": "lelt" }, { "name": "Mahoosuc Land Trust", "code": "mahoosuclt" }, { "name": "Maine Audubon Society", "code": "maineaud" }, { "name": "Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands", "code": "bpl" }, { "name": "Maine Coast Heritage Trust", "code": "mcht" }, { "name": "Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (UM)", "code": "cfwru" }, { "name": "Maine Defense and Veterans Services", "code": "medvs" }, { "name": "Maine Department of Admin and Financial Services", "code": "medafs" }, { "name": "Maine Department of Agriculture", "code": "meag" }, { "name": "Maine Department of Economic Community Development", "code": "medecd" }, { "name": "Maine Department of Education", "code": "medoe" }, { "name": "Maine Department of Environmental Protection", "code": "medep" }, { "name": "Maine Department of Health and Human Services", "code": "medhhs" }, { "name": "Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Drinking Water Program", "code": "medhhsdwp" }, { "name": "Maine Department of Human Services", "code": "medhs" }, { "name": "Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife", "code": "meifw" }, { "name": "Maine Department of Labor", "code": "medol" }, { "name": "Maine Department of Marine Resources", "code": "medmr" }, { "name": "Maine Department of Public Safety", "code": "medps" }, { "name": "Maine Department of Transportation", "code": "medot" }, { "name": "Maine Forest Service", "code": "mefs" }, { "name": "Maine Geological Survey", "code": "mgs" }, { "name": "Maine Historic Preservation Commission", "code": "mhpc" }, { "name": "Maine Land Use Regulation Commission", "code": "melurc" }, { "name": "Maine Legislature", "code": "meleg" }, { "name": "Maine Library of Geographic Information", "code": "megeolib" }, { "name": "Maine Low-Level Radioactive Waste Authority", "code": "mellrwa" }, { "name": "Maine Minor Civil Division", "code": "town" }, { "name": "Maine Natural Areas Program", "code": "menap" }, { "name": "Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems", "code": "megis" }, { "name": "Maine Office of Secretary of State", "code": "mesos" }, { "name": "Maine Public Service Company", "code": "mps" }, { "name": "Maine Public Utilities Commission", "code": "mepuc" }, { "name": "Maine State Archives", "code": "msa" }, { "name": "Maine State Department", "code": "mestate" }, { "name": "Maine State Library", "code": "mesl" }, { "name": "Maine State Museum", "code": "mesm" }, { "name": "Maine State Planning Office", "code": "mespo" }, { "name": "Maine Technical College System", "code": "metcs" }, { "name": "Maine Wilderness Watershed Trust", "code": "mwwt" }, { "name": "Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline", "code": "mnp" }, { "name": "Massachusetts Geographic Information System", "code": "massgis" }, { "name": "Mid-Coast Audubon Society", "code": "midcoastaud" }, { "name": "Mid-Coast Regional Planning Commission", "code": "mcrpc" }, { "name": "Mount Desert Island Water Quality Coalition", "code": "mdiwq" }, { "name": "Mt. Desert Island Biological Laboratory", "code": "mdibl" }, { "name": "Muskie School", "code": "muskie" }, { "name": "National Aeronautical Charting Office (USDOT, FAA)", "code": "nacs" }, { "name": "National Audubon Society", "code": "nasc" }, { "name": "National Institute of Standards and Technology (USDOC)", "code": "nist" }, { "name": "National Ocean Service (USDOC, NOAA)", "code": "nos" }, { "name": "National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (USDOC)", "code": "noaa" }, { "name": "Natural Resouce Information and Mapping Center (MEDOC)", "code": "nrimc" }, { "name": "Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA)", "code": "nrcs" }, { "name": "New England Foresty Foundation", "code": "neff" }, { "name": "New Hampshire Complex Systems Research Center, GRANIT Project", "code": "csrc" }, { "name": "New Hampshire Geographically Referenced Analysis and Information Transfer System", "code": "granit" }, { "name": "Nextel", "code": "nextel" }, { "name": "Northern Maine Development Commission", "code": "nmdc" }, { "name": "Northern Maine Technical College", "code": "nmtc" }, { "name": "Office of Rural Health and Primary Care", "code": "orhpc" }, { "name": "Orono Land Trust", "code": "olt" }, { "name": "Passamaquoddy Indian Tribe", "code": "pait" }, { "name": "Pemaquid Watershed Association", "code": "pwa" }, { "name": "Penobscot County Conservation Association", "code": "pcca" }, { "name": "Penobscot Indian Nation", "code": "pena" }, { "name": "Portland Natural Gas Transmission System", "code": "pngts" }, { "name": "Quoddy Regional Land Trust", "code": "qrlt" }, { "name": "Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust", "code": "rlht" }, { "name": "Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association", "code": "svca" }, { "name": "Small Point Association", "code": "smpt" }, { "name": "Small Woodland Association of Maine", "code": "swoam" }, { "name": "Soil Conservation Service (USDA)", "code": "scs" }, { "name": "Southern Maine Regional Planning Commission", "code": "smrpc" }, { "name": "Southern Maine Technical College", "code": "smtc" }, { "name": "Space Imaging", "code": "spaceimaging" }, { "name": "Spatial Alternatives, Inc.", "code": "spatialalt" }, { "name": "SPOT Image Corporation", "code": "spotcorp" }, { "name": "Stanton Bird Club", "code": "sbcu" }, { "name": "Stephen Phillips Memorial Preserve Trust", "code": "spmp" }, { "name": "The Conservation Fund", "code": "tcfu" }, { "name": "The Island Institute", "code": "tisi" }, { "name": "The Nature Conservancy", "code": "tnc" }, { "name": "Unicel", "code": "unicel" }, { "name": "Unity College", "code": "ucol" }, { "name": "University of Maine at Augusta", "code": "uma" }, { "name": "University of Maine at Farmington", "code": "umf" }, { "name": "University of Maine at Machias", "code": "umch" }, { "name": "University of Maine at Orono", "code": "um" }, { "name": "University of Maine at Presque Isle", "code": "umpi" }, { "name": "University of Maine Fort Kent", "code": "umfk" }, { "name": "University of Maine System", "code": "ums" }, { "name": "University of Southern Maine", "code": "usm" }, { "name": "US Air Force", "code": "usaf" }, { "name": "US Army Corps of Engineers", "code": "usace" }, { "name": "US Board on Geographic Names", "code": "usbgn" }, { "name": "US Cellular", "code": "uscellular" }, { "name": "US Coast Guard", "code": "uscg" }, { "name": "US Department of Agriculture", "code": "usda" }, { "name": "US Department of Commerce", "code": "usdoc" }, { "name": "US Department of Defense", "code": "usdod" }, { "name": "US Department of Interior", "code": "usdoi" }, { "name": "US Department of Transportation", "code": "usdot" }, { "name": "US Environmental Protection Agency", "code": "usepa" }, { "name": "US Fish and Wildlife Service", "code": "usfws" }, { "name": "US Fish and Wildlife Service, Gulf of Maine Project", "code": "usfwgomp" }, { "name": "US Forest Service (USDA)", "code": "usfs" }, { "name": "US General Services Administration", "code": "usgsa" }, { "name": "US Geological Survey", "code": "usgs" }, { "name": "US National Park Service", "code": "nps" }, { "name": "US Navy", "code": "usn" }, { "name": "US Postal Service", "code": "usps" }, { "name": "US Veteran's Administration", "code": "usva" }, { "name": "Verizon Wireless", "code": "vzw" }, { "name": "Vinalhaven Land Trust", "code": "vlt" }, { "name": "Vonage", "code": "vonage" }, { "name": "Washington County Technical College", "code": "wctc" }, { "name": "York County Audubon Society", "code": "ycaudsoc" }, { "name": "York County Technical College", "code": "yctc" } ], "mergePolicy": "esriMPTDefaultValue", "splitPolicy": "esriSPTDefaultValue" } }, { "name": "FMPROCSS", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "FMPROCSS", "length": 12, "domain": { "type": "codedValue", "name": "WS2_FMPROCSS_1", "description": "Process", "codedValues": [ { "name": "add-adds features to the current edit coverage", "code": "add" }, { "name": "adjust-rubbersheets the position of arcs over the entire edit coverage using specified links", "code": "adjust" }, { "name": "align-snaps the nodes and vertices of all edit coverage arcs together within a specified distance", "code": "align" }, { "name": "autoislands-E911 project aml creates addressable arcs from island polygons for emergency access", "code": "autoislands" }, { "name": "centerline-a least cost path generated to bisect a polygon or collapse it to a single line feature", "code": "centerline" }, { "name": "closure-an arbitrary line, that exceeds NMAS standards for scale, drawn to close a polygon or arc", "code": "closure" }, { "name": "copy-duplicates features and INFO files to a new user-specified location", "code": "copy" }, { "name": "dig-digitizes or converts spatial features on a map into digital format", "code": "dig" }, { "name": "drag-move selected features to a new user-specified location", "code": "drag" }, { "name": "edgematch-a straight arc added to connect two arcs, or entire arc moved to match a related feature", "code": "edgematch" }, { "name": "extend-extends selected dangling arcs up to a specified distance to intersect existing arcs", "code": "extend" }, { "name": "generalize-reduces the amount of detail from selected arcs with specific line operator and tolerance", "code": "generalize" }, { "name": "get-copies features, feature coordinate information, and feature User-ID from a coverage", "code": "get" }, { "name": "import-converts an ARC/INFO export interchange file with a variety of options", "code": "import" }, { "name": "move-moves the currently selected features to a new user-specified location", "code": "move" }, { "name": "nondgps-no differential correction can yield GPS accuracy as low as 100 meters with any receiver", "code": "nondgps" }, { "name": "postprocdgps-postprocessed differential correction can improve GPS accuracy 200 fold, up to submeter", "code": "postprocdgps" }, { "name": "put-copies selected features, coordinate information, user-id, and attributes (same item definition)", "code": "put" }, { "name": "realtimedgps-real-time differential correction, submeter accuracy, subject to operational conditions", "code": "realtimedgps" }, { "name": "reshape-allows user to redigitize a portion of an arc", "code": "reshape" }, { "name": "screendig-feature was drawn using a mouse and implies a low level of positional accuracy", "code": "screendig" }, { "name": "snap-snaps selected edit coverage snap features to the snap coverage snap feature", "code": "snap" }, { "name": "spline-smooths or generalizes all selected arcs using the GRAIN tolerance", "code": "spline" }, { "name": "waas-use of wide area augmentation system (WAAS) technology may improve accuracy up to 5 fold", "code": "waas" } ], "mergePolicy": "esriMPTDefaultValue", "splitPolicy": "esriSPTDefaultValue" } }, { "name": "FMUPDORG", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "FMUPDORG", "length": 12, "domain": { "type": "codedValue", "name": "WS2_FMSRCORG_1", "description": "Source Originator", "codedValues": [ { "name": "Aerial Survey and Photo, Inc.", "code": "asp" }, { "name": "Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments", "code": "avcog" }, { "name": "Aroostook Band of Micmacs", "code": "abmi" }, { "name": "Bangor Hydroelectric", "code": "bhe" }, { "name": "Baxter State Park Authority", "code": "bspa" }, { "name": "Belgrade Regional Conservation Alliance", "code": "brca" }, { "name": "Biddeford Pool Improvement Association", "code": "bpia" }, { "name": "Boothbay Region Land Trust", "code": "brlt" }, { "name": "Bureau of Census (USDOC)", "code": "uscb" }, { "name": "Cape Elizabeth Land Trust", "code": "celt" }, { "name": "Castine Conservation Trust", "code": "cact" }, { "name": "Central Maine Power Company", "code": "cmp" }, { "name": "Central Maine Technical College", "code": "cmtc" }, { "name": "Chewonki Foundation", "code": "chewonki" }, { "name": "Cingular", "code": "cingular" }, { "name": "Clerk, House of Representatives", "code": "mehouse" }, { "name": "Coastal Change Analysis Program", "code": "ccap" }, { "name": "Cobscook Bay Resource Center", "code": "cbrc" }, { "name": "College of the Atlantic", "code": "coa" }, { "name": "Cumberland Mainland and Islands Trust", "code": "cmlt" }, { "name": "Cushings Island Conservation Corporation", "code": "cicc" }, { "name": "Damariscotta River Association", "code": "dra" }, { "name": "Eagle Hill Wildlife Research Station", "code": "ehwr" }, { "name": "Eastern Maine Development Corporation", "code": "emdc" }, { "name": "Eastern Maine Technical College", "code": "emtc" }, { "name": "Emergency Services Communication Bureau (MEDPS)", "code": "escb" }, { "name": "EROS Data Center (USGS)", "code": "edc" }, { "name": "Farm Service Agency (USDA)", "code": "fsa" }, { "name": "Federal Aviation Administration (USDOT)", "code": "faa" }, { "name": "Federal Communications Commission", "code": "fcc" }, { "name": "Federal Emergency Management Agency", "code": "fema" }, { "name": "Florida Power and Light", "code": "fpl" }, { "name": "Forest Society of Maine", "code": "fsm" }, { "name": "Freeport Conservation Trust", "code": "fct" }, { "name": "Frenchman Bay Conservancy", "code": "fbc" }, { "name": "Friends of Casco Bay", "code": "focb" }, { "name": "Friends of Royal River", "code": "forr" }, { "name": "Geo-Systems", "code": "geosystems" }, { "name": "gisSolutions", "code": "gissolutions" }, { "name": "GlobeXplorer", "code": "globex" }, { "name": "Greater Portland Council of Governments", "code": "gpcog" }, { "name": "Hall-Dale High School", "code": "hlldlhs" }, { "name": "Hancock County Planning Commission", "code": "hcpc" }, { "name": "Harpswell Heritage Trust", "code": "hht" }, { "name": "Holt Research Foundation", "code": "htrf" }, { "name": "Houlton Band of Maliseets", "code": "hbma" }, { "name": "J.W. 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Commission", "code": "nmdc" }, { "name": "Northern Maine Technical College", "code": "nmtc" }, { "name": "Office of Rural Health and Primary Care", "code": "orhpc" }, { "name": "Orono Land Trust", "code": "olt" }, { "name": "Passamaquoddy Indian Tribe", "code": "pait" }, { "name": "Pemaquid Watershed Association", "code": "pwa" }, { "name": "Penobscot County Conservation Association", "code": "pcca" }, { "name": "Penobscot Indian Nation", "code": "pena" }, { "name": "Portland Natural Gas Transmission System", "code": "pngts" }, { "name": "Quoddy Regional Land Trust", "code": "qrlt" }, { "name": "Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust", "code": "rlht" }, { "name": "Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association", "code": "svca" }, { "name": "Small Point Association", "code": "smpt" }, { "name": "Small Woodland Association of Maine", "code": "swoam" }, { "name": "Soil Conservation Service (USDA)", "code": "scs" }, { "name": "Southern Maine Regional Planning Commission", "code": "smrpc" }, { "name": "Southern Maine Technical College", "code": "smtc" }, { "name": "Space Imaging", "code": "spaceimaging" }, { "name": "Spatial Alternatives, Inc.", "code": "spatialalt" }, { "name": "SPOT Image Corporation", "code": "spotcorp" }, { "name": "Stanton Bird Club", "code": "sbcu" }, { "name": "Stephen Phillips Memorial Preserve Trust", "code": "spmp" }, { "name": "The Conservation Fund", "code": "tcfu" }, { "name": "The Island Institute", "code": "tisi" }, { "name": "The Nature Conservancy", "code": "tnc" }, { "name": "Unicel", "code": "unicel" }, { "name": "Unity College", "code": "ucol" }, { "name": "University of Maine at Augusta", "code": "uma" }, { "name": "University of Maine at Farmington", "code": "umf" }, { "name": "University of Maine at Machias", "code": "umch" }, { "name": "University of Maine at Orono", "code": "um" }, { "name": "University of Maine at Presque Isle", "code": "umpi" }, { "name": "University of Maine Fort Kent", "code": "umfk" }, { "name": "University of Maine 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